  1. Go Go Go

© ℗ 2021 by James Lee Hook, All Rights Reserved


There will be ups and there will be downs,
There'll be plenty of smiles, plenty of frowns.
Plenty of days where you think you might break,
A moment of truth for every chance that you take.

Reasons to bolt, reasons to stay,
People you love, and you'll still walk away.
Goals you achieve, and some you will not,
Dreams for the taking, if you take your shot.

So when the light is red, put down a foot of lead,
Punch it and go go go go go.
When a self-appointed cop tries to make you stop,
Flip him and go go go go go.

Face down your fear. For an answer don't take no.
If you can travel light speed, why go slow?
Get up and go go go.

There'll be times you melt, and times you're cold.
Times your bought, and times you're sold.
Fences to mend, bridges to burn,
People you teach, and from whom you learn.

There'll be black and white, and shades of gray,
Colors and rainbows along the way.
Darkness and light, daylight and night,
Moments of greatness within your sight.

So in the times ahead, when you're almost dead,
Rise up and go go go go go.
When you're filled with dread, cuz someone's in your head, Go go go go go.

From the time that you were born,
Time's been running low.
If you can travel light speed, why go slow?
Get up and go go go.

So when you're seeing red,
From something someone said, Go go go go go.

If you want to win instead, of all the times you've bled,
Go go go go go.

Why let it slip away, when you can make it so?
If you can travel lightspeed, why go slow?
Get up and go go go!